Combating Wrist and Hand Pain with Stretching

Wrist pain. A very common feeling, especially as we spend longer on our computers and phones. Stretching out our wrists can often be forgotten in favour of stretching out the bigger muscles that we feel more immediately. Incorporating wrist stretches into our daily habits and routines can help minimize the pain and soreness that we feel when doing exercise, or at the end of a long day of computer work.

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barbara moysey
Incorporating Stretching into the Work Day

As workplaces begin to re-open, some of us may be headed back to work and offices. Even if we aren’t returning to a physical office, many of us have been working at home. Sitting in one space or staring at a screen for an extended period of time can be hard on your body as well as on your mind. A great way to break up periods of sitting or working is to incorporate stretching breaks into your day.

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barbara moysey
Incorporating Stretching with Kids

Incorporating stretching and a cool down into activities and exercises is just as important for kids as it is for adults. An article on ACE Fitness shows how taking the time to cool down and stretch not only helps with recovery, but also gives an opportunity to discuss accomplishments and thoughts on the activity with children.

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barbara moysey
Stretching for Back Pain

Back pain can often be debilitating to your daily life, and the treatment options can feel overwhelming. While waiting to figure out the perfect program for you, stretching and strengthening the back and core muscles can help prevent re-injuring your back.

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barbara moysey

Posture. A good posture not only helps us feel better and brings our body into alignment but can also give us confidence as we move through our lives. Office set up can play a large role in maintaining and building good posture. A poor setup can cause neck, shoulder, wrist and low-back pain, as well as even difficulty breathing.

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barbara moysey
Muscle Tightness: How it Works

Tight muscles can be frustrating, painful, and discouraging. Understanding how to manage tight muscles will help to avoid limiting movement and enable continuous exercising. There are a few reasons why muscles can become tight. Three common reasons are prolonged inactivity, during exercise and after exercise.

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barbara moysey
DINK! What is Pickleball?

Pickleball is a good source of moderate exercise. It is a fast-paced game with many quick movements. To reduce injury, and optimize performance, it is important to loosen up the body and stretch before playing pickleball.

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barbara moysey
Why Try Fascial Stretch Therapy?

Often when we think about stretching, we tend to focus on the areas of our body that are feeling tight. While these areas call out for us to stretch them, the whole body can benefit from having a good stretch. Enter Fascial Stretch Therapy.

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barbara moysey
Be Your Own Stretch Therapist

Stretching before getting out of bed relieves a lot of tension and soreness in my shoulders, back and hips that I somehow accumulated throughout the night. I consider this as the lazy person’s stretch as I am still on my back, and still in bed. This slow and soothing routine is a perfect way to start my day.

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barbara moysey
Paddles Up! Dragon Boat Stretches

Dragon boating is a popular team water sport, but a demanding sport that puts a toll on the body. It is true there is a lot of arm strength used in paddling, but just as important is the use of the muscles from your quadriceps, hamstrings and core. This sport is great for firing up your entire body. It cannot be emphasized enough how important it is to stretch the body before and after dragon boating. To avoid injuries incurred from dragon boating, make it a habit to set aside time before and after dragon boating to stretch.

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barbara moysey
Get in Touch With Your Toes with Stretch Therapy

We use our feet every day. They serve as our foundation. When feet are sore or in pain, the rest of the body can be impacted. Our feet also face a lot of stress, from exercise, standing, and even the footwear we choose. Because our feet are used so often, we should make sure we are stretching our feet the same way we stretch the rest of the body.

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barbara moysey
Swimming and Stretching

Swimming is a great low impact cardio workout. Even though the buoyancy of the water makes swimming gentle on joints and muscles, stretching is still important for swimmers to help maintain the maximum range of motion and flexibility for the swimming strokes. Stretching can help to minimize injuries and muscle imbalances as well as improve your endurance in the sport.

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barbara moysey
Stretch Therapist = Stress Therapist

Stress has become very familiar in the world in general. Stress starts in the mind and can spread to affect the body. As described in Mindbody Green “When we get stressed, we tend to tense up, causing our muscles to contract and develop tension”. Two areas of the body can have serious impacts if stress accumulates in them: the trapezius muscles and shoulders, and the hips. The trapezius is a large muscle group running from the back of your head and neck to your shoulder.

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barbara moysey
Globe and Mail features Flxme

Flxme was featured in a recent Globe & Mail article on the growing trend of assisted stretching. Pay Chen, the author of the article, interviewed Flxme’s co-founder Justin Gould as part of her research. Here are her questions, and Justin’s answers:

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barbara moysey
Sitting Too Much? A Stretch Therapist Will Help

During Covid-19 many people have been relocated to working from home or are simply spending more time sitting. If you’re spending all day sitting at home because of COVID-19, you may have noticed increased pain in your knees and lower back. This is because excessive sitting causes the glute muscles to atrophy.

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barbara moysey
Stretch Therapy as We Age: Use it or Lose it

The process of living wears down our bodies as we age. Muscles can become shorter and less elastic, joints can become weaker, and the range of motion can decrease. While regular exercise helps to respond to this by delaying the process of wear, maintaining flexibility and mobility are also important. Incorporating stretching into physical activity routines can help to maintain and even improve flexibility and mobility.

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barbara moysey
Stretch Therapy for Cyclists

Bike riding is a great way to get in some exercise and enjoy the beautiful weather. In our grid locked world, it also holds an important place in helping transport people easily around cities. Cycling is a good low-impact activity, but it also consists of repetitive motions which can cause tightness and muscle soreness and lead to a limited range of motion.

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barbara moysey