Why Try Fascial Stretch Therapy?

Often when we think about stretching, we tend to focus on the areas of our body that are feeling tight. While these areas call out for us to stretch them, the whole body can benefit from having a good stretch. Enter Fascial Stretch Therapy.


An article posted on Shape.com entitled 5 Reasons You Should Try Fascial Stretching says “Fascia stretching is said to give you a feeling of deep relaxation and rejuvenation that no other regular Swedish massage could ever do”. Amanda Sarbin, the CEO of Stretch Colorado says “by moving the joint along with the surrounding tissues” it helps the “fascia and muscles relax at the same time”. By the end of the appointment Charlotte Hilton Anderson, the author of the article, goes on to say she felt “amazingly relaxed and almost like I’m floating”.


Other benefits that can come from Fascial Stretch Therapy include a pain free experience (as fascial stretching is so gentle), faster recovery time (by improving blood flow to tired muscles), improved performance, and recovery from injuries.


As the Shape article described, Fascial Stretch Therapy can offer a unique and beneficial experience. Stretching studios can help to incorporate this therapy into your workout routine. An article on MyFitnessPal describes how stretching can often be an afterthought in our workout schedules. As more people are training at higher intensities, stretching studios fill an important role of “offering members … sessions of dynamic movements designed to increase range of motion, reduce post-workout muscle soreness and improve flexibility”.


Fascial Stretch Therapy can help you feel better and stretching studios help to find a way to incorporate this stretching technique into our lives. Stop by FLXME and give it a try!




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