Be Your Own Stretch Therapist

Like most other individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic, I have more time on my hands to do things and I am no longer in a rush in the morning.  I can sleep as long as I want and I can take my sweet time getting out of bed.

I allow my body to naturally wake me up in the mornings since I no longer use my alarm clock.  Ironically, my body still tells me to wake up about the same time.   As I stir in bed and as I come into a semi-awake state, I find my body gradually moving into stretch positions that brings me some comfort.   

This somehow started my 10-minute stretch in-bed routine.  Stretching before getting out of bed relieves a lot of tension and soreness in my shoulders, back and hips that I somehow accumulated throughout the night.    I consider this as the lazy person’s stretch as I am still on my back, and still in bed.  This slow and soothing routine is a perfect way to start my day. 

When I stretch I go as far as I am comfortable within my range.  I Know I have reached my limit in each stretch once I feel a little discomfort, but not pain. 

My favourite stretch routine while lying on my back:

1.     Leg Hugs:  Hug right knee to by chest with my left leg down, repeat with other leg.  Hug both knees to chest with both arms.

2.     Supine Figure 4:  Bend knees with both feet flat on the bed,  lift one foot over the opposite knee, with both hands grab behind the leg that is on the bed and pull it toward you.  Repeat with other leg.

3.     Supine Spinal Twist:  Bend knees with both feet flat on the bed, stretch arms out to the side to make a letter T, palms facing down.  Rotate hips to the left and lower knees and legs over to left side.  Repeat on the other side

4.     Side Stretch:  Lift arms with both palms touching over  head and straighten both legs so the body forms  the letter “I”.  Stretch legs to the side so the heel of the feet faces the lower right corner of the bed, and stretch arms so  fingers point toward  upper right corner of the bed.  For a further stretch, if there is range of motion, using right hand to grab left wrist and pull to the right.  Repeat on the other side.

After a few stretches, my back and my hips soften and I am ready to get out of bed feeling more relaxed.

My morning stretches started quite naturally as I just effortlessly let my body move into positions that felt good to me.    It is amazing how just 10-minutes of stretching can make a difference to my  day!

I am better prepared to tackle the challenges and mindful of the worries brought on by the uncertainties associated with COVID-19.


Inverarity, Laura. (2020-04-18). Stretching Exercised for your Back.  Retrieved from

Romine, Stepfanie. (2020-05-20).   How to Do a Figure 4 Stretch.  Openfit.  Retrieved from

Photo Source: Unsplash User Bruce Marsh

barbara moysey