Sitting Too Much? A Stretch Therapist Will Help

During Covid-19 many people have been relocated to working from home or are simply spending more time sitting.

If you’re spending all day sitting at home because of COVID-19, you may have noticed increased pain in your knees and lower back. This is because excessive sitting causes the glute muscles to atrophy. When the glute muscles begin shutting down, other muscles like your knees and lower back become over-stressed resulting in pain. The most effective way to combat this is to stretch your glutes and hip flexors and it will serve as a preventative measure against future injury and pain.

Sitting in one place for a few hours a day can also cause pain along your thoracic spine. The thoracic spine is in the middle of your back and it’s crucial to keep it moving. A tight thoracic spine is the cause of many problems like tightness, weakness or instability in the neck, chest and shoulders. Simple rotational stretches are necessary to stretch and mobilize this important body part.

Stretching may not seem as impactful as other physical activities like lifting weights or squatting, but it has a remarkable effect on your body. It contributes to improved posture, reduced body aches, and an overall greater quality of life. It also has a definite impact on mood, helping to brighten and lift the mind. This is because stretching increases blood flow and circulation which sends more oxygen to the brain attributing to a clearer mind and better moods. It’s more important than ever to stretch in the middle of COVID-19.

Assisted stretching is the most effective method to deal with the negative side effects of constant sitting. A stretch therapist will be able to help you with your priorities and develop personalized routines around them. It will also ensure safe and effective stretching, eliminating the possibility of injuring yourself through lack of knowledge. As well, stretch therapy can help to identify any problems you may have missed.


Helmer, Jodi. “Should You Join a Stretching Studio?” My Fitness Pal, 11 May 2019,

Usigan, Ysolt. “6 Good Reasons You Need to Stretch.” Shape,

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