What is Stretch Therapy and What Are Its Benefits?


No matter your age or level of activity, stretching is important for everybody. Whether you’re doing pilates or reaching for something in your cupboard, you want your body to work the way it should. Our goal is to help you move with freely with ease, without pain or discomfort.

There are 700 muscles in our bodies that are continuously working to move our bodies. Muscles take different sizes and shapes and arrange around joints in complex ways. Even simple movements can engage up to nineteen different muscles! Stretching is often neglected despite being a central and important part of fitness. Due to lack of experience, knowledge, time or motivation, many people skip the stretch. At FLXME, we can create a personalized stretch routine just for you. We can teach you the highest impact stretches for your body so that you can start implementing a stretch routine of your own.

What to expect from a Stretch Therapy Session

Stretch Therapy is similar to massage in that it is delivered one-on-one and on a table. Before there treatment begins, you will complete a health intake form and do a short assessment with your stretch therapist. Your stretch therapist will then focus on movements that target the muscles and connective tissue that surround the joints. The stretch therapist will move your body for you into postures that stretch specific muscle groups. To increase the effectiveness of some stretches, comfortable straps may be used. Your goal during the session is to relax, breathe and let the stretch therapist take the weight of your limbs and move you through the stretches. You should feel a stretch sensation, but never pain. 

Benefits of Stretch Therapy

Some of the benefits of assisted Stretch Therapy include:

·      Easing pain associated with tightness and tension

·      Improving range of motion, flexibility, mobility and strength

·      Improving posture, physical appearance and self esteem

·      Counteract the effects of aging

·      Increasing overall fitness and athletic performance

·      Reducing the risk of injury

·     Encouraging relaxation and relieving stress

·      Increasing circulation and blood flow to the muscles, surrounding tissues and joints

How does assisted stretching differ from regular stretching

With regular stretching, you do the work yourself. Some people find it hard to know the proper way to stretch and which muscles to focus on for optimum positive impact. Without having the accountability of a regular stretch routine, many people will stretch minimally or not at all.

With assisted stretching, the work is done for you. You work one-on-one with an experienced stretch therapist who has knowledge of anatomy, physiology and stretching techniques, who will take you through a thorough routine of stretch personalized for your particular needs. During some stretches, you will be encouraged to completely relax your limbs to get the most out of the stretch. For other stretches you may be asked to engage and work the muscles. If you’re not good at stretching on your own, stretch therapy sessions can help keep you accountable to improving your body through stretching.

Stretch Therapist Therese at Flxme Stretch Studio Mt Pleasant Rd Toronto.jpeg
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