How to Treat a Rotator Cuff Injury

Rotator cuff injuries can be associated with the feeling of a deep ache in your shoulder, resulting in the difficulty to reach behind your back and preform basic movements such as putting your hair into a ponytail or jumping rope. This type of injury has three main causes, it may come with age, the occupation that you have or it could be a genetic injury that occurs in your family. Careers such as carpentry, painting, and construction work can all lead to a potential damage in your rotator cuff. In order to prevent the potential of the injury, daily shoulder strengthening exercises are helpful. If you suspect there is discomfort, your doctor or a physical therapist can also help you plan an exercise routine to decrease the chances.

If you have injured your rotator cuff, unfortunately it can lead to a long recovery road ahead. The reason for this is because the area consists of many muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder. Each of them play a significant role in stabilizing the entire shoulder to make sure your momentum is comfortable and effortless. In short, finding the specific area that has been affected is crucial for the recovery process, because there are many locations that it could be in such a small area.


Many people who experience the injury or have rotator cuff disease, manage their symptoms by visiting their physiotherapist. Typically, the healing time for a minor tear can take up to 4-6 weeks and at FLXME, Nicole, our physiotherapy resident is more than happy to provide an evaluation and prescribe certain exercises that improve flexibility and strength of the muscles that are affected.
