Physiotherapy Post-Shoulder Rehab

Sometimes, in order to repair a shoulder injury, surgery is required. Healing time for recovery from shoulder surgery varies, but physiotherapy is an important piece of the recovery process. 

Physiotherapy Treatment After Shoulder Surgery

Physiotherapy treatment can begin early after the surgery, and even prior to surgery you can meet with a physiotherapist to discuss. Your surgeon and doctors will help you know when you are ready to start physiotherapy. The initial phase of your physiotherapy treatment will often focus on education about: posture, positions, use of a sling, and ways to help manage the pain and swelling. Often during this initial phase the shoulder is kept immobile. Once your surgeon approves moving into the next phase, your physiotherapist can work with you on starting to regain your range of motion, while continuing to assist with your pain and swelling. Regaining active range of motion in the shoulder can begin anywhere between 6-10 weeks after surgery. During this phase your physiotherapist will work with you to help regain “normal shoulder joint mobility” by incorporating strengthening exercises, passive range of motion exercises like pendulum arm swings and hands on therapy. 

As you move through the healing process, your physiotherapist will help monitor your improvement and help ensure that side effects are minimized.

Physiotherapy at Flxme

Finding a physiotherapist who works for you is important to ensure that you get the most out of your healing process. Come in to FLXME to meet Nicole and see if she is the right fit for you! Nicole also offers free 20minute consults to see if she is the right fit and so you can find out what physiotherapy can do for you!


barbara moysey